Products & Services

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Starters For Motors

Direct-On-Line Motor Starter - The Contactor in MB 11 Starter is capable for continuous giving as 5 million switching operation and 10 million mechanical operations. its contacts are made from silver cadmium oxide. No volt coil of contactor is trivialized and subject to rigorous test for continuous, pick up and Drop off. it also available. Each contactor can be fitted with two auxiliary contact block of 1 no + 1nc each for indicating Lamp, Sequence interlock and other pilot circuits.

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Srbp Tubes

MILLBORN specializes in providing a wide variety of electrical insulation tubes to meet everyday manufacturing needs.

At MILLBORN we possess The Most Qualified and Experienced technical team who produces international quality SRBP Tubes.

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Kitkat Fuse

MILLBORN porcelain KIT KAT FUESES are made from best quality raw material. Best machineries and qualified team of engineers and workers. Strict quality controls are followed at the all stages of manufacturing.

PORCELAIN OF KIT KAT FUSES : Electrical grade porcelains are being used n all kit Kats. Shapes are most suitable in technical view and size compact.

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Let Contral Switches

MILLBORN L.T. Control Switches cam operated Type M25 are built up form uniform switching packets assembled to from a stack. Each packet contains two sets of contacts. The moving contacts are operated by module cams which are actuated by a spring operated mechanism. These switches are supplied with bakelite ball handle & dial plate. Handle can be fixed in any desired direction.

Switching Capacity & Mechanical Life

These witches are capable for continuous duty filing as much as 200 switching operations per hour and mechanical life is exceptionally high running into millions of switching cycles. Each contact is made from silver cadmium oxide.

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Main Switches

SWITCH GEARS - The Series of MILLBORN electrical switchgears are designed for durability and safety. An in-depth understanding of markets and the ability to respond with excellent products have consistency supported the growth of MILLBORN (Reg.). Our creative vision coupled with the ability to translate the imaginations into market winning products.

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MILLBORN produce best quality Preventors. Our Preventor are designed for durability and safety. An in-depth understanding of markets and the ability to respond with excellent products have consistency supported the growth of MILLBORN (Reg.). Our creative vision coupled with the ability to translate the imaginations into market winning products.

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Cooler Fan And Exhaust Fan

MILLBORN The reputed name in India for electrical engineering items introduces the world class Cooler / Exhaust Fan suitable for various applications with B Class Insulations. 


1. Air Coolers

2. Industrial Ventilation

3. Transformers Cooling

4. Condensers Cooling

Fans mounting can be done horizontal Shaft & Vertical shaft. Direction can be changed simply by interchanging connection of stator winding.

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Moe Pannel Board

MILLBORN The reputed name in India for electrical engineering items introduces the world class MOE Pannel Board for submersible Pump and Motors.


0.50/0.75 HP (SINGLE PHASE)


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Energy Regulator

Description / Specification of Energy Regulator

We are involved in offering a wide range of Energy Regulator to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Energy Regulator. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Air Brake Contractor

MILLBORN produce World - Class Air Brack Contractor for electrical engineering items. 

(A) 16 A 415V (AIR BREAK) (BCH TYPE)
(B) 16 A 415V (AIR BREAK) (MK1 TYPE)
(C) 25 A (BCH Type) Heavy Duty
(D) 40 A (BCH Type) Heavy Duty
(E) 16 A ()MKI Type
(F) Contractor MI 0
(G) Contractor MI 1
(H) Contractor MI 1.5
(I) Contractor MI 2
(J) Controctor MI 3

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Running Capacitors - These Capacitors are Manufactured with High Grade Heavy Edged Metalized Polypropylene Film. The film is wound into Capacitor roll on microprocessor controlled. Computerized high precision winding Machines in totally air-conditioned, Due Free winding room. The Winding is Externally tight so that there is no enough space between the Layer for corona to Occur. The Element are Sprayed on both ends with Zinc Metal to Connection of Metalized Electrodes. The Elements are assembled into Plastic / Metal cases and are Sealed for oil type capacitors oil is filled in metal case under Vacuum Millborn Power Capacitor and Running Capacitors from 72 mfd to 216 mfd are provided with Inductor coil to control the Inrush Current to the elements. This feature ensures long-term stability of capacitors.

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Alluminium Lugs

MILLBORN produce many types of Alluminium Lugs.


Aluminum Lugs ( Tube Terminal )

16 mm             120 mm
25 mm             150 mm
35 mm             185 mm
50 mm             225 mm
70 mm             240 mm
95 mm             300 mm

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Mcb Distribution Boxes

Description / Specification of Mcb Distribution Boxes

We are involved in offering a wide range of Mcb Distribution Boxes to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Mcb Distribution Boxes. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Measuring Instruments

Description / Specification of Measuring Instruments

We are involved in offering a wide range of Measuring Instruments to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Measuring Instruments. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Electronic Ballast

Description / Specification of Electronic Ballast

We are involved in offering a wide range of Electronic Ballast to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Electronic Ballast. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Ignitor Ibu

Description / Specification of Ignitor Ibu

We are involved in offering a wide range of Ignitor Ibu to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Ignitor Ibu. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Controal Panel Accessories

Description / Specification of Controal Panel Accessories

We are involved in offering a wide range of Controal Panel Accessories to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Controal Panel Accessories. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


Air Brake Contractor * Alluminium Lugs * Capacitor * Capacitors * Controal Panel Accessories * Cooler Fan And Exhaust Fan * Electronic Ballast * Electronic Capacitors * Energy Regulator * Ignitor Ibu * Kitkat Fuse * Let Contral Switches * Main Switches * Mcb Distribution Boxes * Measuring Instruments * Moe Pannel Board * Preventors * Srbp Tubes * Starters For Motors